Baby Ryver Byron Marshall was born 14Th January at 22.11 weighing 8lb 3oz!
Wow what a week. My little man entered the world quickly looking very cute!
His sisters have been very excited, Merina is a dream with him, Lula has been quite upset which breaks my heart! Ryver is nocturnal which has had it moments, but hes so cute I'm always pleased to hold him!
Thankfully lots of my lovely friends have been cooking fabulous meals for us so I have been well looked after! My kitchen is well on its way, hopefully all the dust and banging part is over it seems to be the building up part. Although breast feeding with all these builders and scaffolding everywhere has been amusing!
Over and out!
- Gemma's Toddler Kitchen
- 10 years on and I'm still enjoying modelling. With four adorable children 5 and under to feed - not forgetting a very hungry husband as well - making quick healthy tasty food means I can balance my work and home life....that's the plan anyway!! I'm happy to share my tried and tested favourite recipes with other parents. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do..... Love Gemma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
He's absolutely gorgeous. Huge congratulations! Enjoy xx