Do you ever find no matter how early you get up theres never enough time? I'm up so early, but by the time I've dressed 4 kids, myself and fed everyone, I'm late. I ask the kids to help with something only to find 10 minutes later they've not done it. I literally have to chase and round them up (some times I get a little hysterical) whilst shouting have you got bag, drink, dance kit, coats....try this recipe its great to take on the school collection my kids always come out staarrvvviing!

Cheese Scones Makes 8
175 g / 6 oz Self Raising Flour
pinch salt and pepper
25g / 1oz margarine
75 g /3 oz cheese, grated
1 medium egg
2 tbsp milk
Heat oven to 220ºC, Gas Mark 7.
Grease a baking tray. Mix flour and seasonings, rub in margarine.
Stir in cheese, reserving a little for the top.
Mix to a soft dough with the egg and milk, reserving a little for glazing.
Roll out to a round 1.5 cm (½ inch) in thickness and cut into 8 with a 6cm wide cookie cutter.
Place on the baking tray and brush with egg and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown.